Monday, September 30, 2019

How will your personal faith and beliefs contribute to Liberty’s mission to develop Christ- centered leaders? Essay

My personal faith and beliefs will contribute to Liberty’s mission to develop Christ- centered leaders in a number of ways. I am very passionate about worship and discipleship. I see my purpose in life as a chance to change lives through worship and discipleship, and to obey the calling that God has on my life. I believe it is my duty as a child of God to be the hands and feet of Christ no matter where that may lead me. I am passionate about worship because worship is a devotion, it is my heart cry, worship is the place where I really found God and fell in love with Him. It is where I feel closest to Him, I can express myself freely to God and He understands everything my heart tries to say. Worship for me is a battle. It is praying with a tune, it is standing in the gap for someone and calling them, out of darkness, into the light. It is pouring everything you have at the altar and surrendering to the Father, it is allowing the Father to draw near and consume your very being. Worship is pure, worship is love. Discipleship is extremely important to me because I want to be someone who embraces and assists in spreading God’s teaching to others, to help empower people to know, deeply and wholeheartedly, their God given gifts; to help them know that God has created them in His image that He has a plan for their life. I will combine with Liberty’s mission and my personal faith and beliefs to contribute a well thought out plan to enable each student to reach their goal in serving Christ and worshipping. My mission is the same as Liberty’s mission to help develop christ- centered leaders, through my worship, discipleship, and the full armor of God.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Restrictions on Gun Ownership

Running Head: RESTRICTIONS ON GUN OWNERSHIP Are there any Legitimate Restrictions on Gun Ownership? Steve PHI103: Informal Logic The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution gives the citizens of America the right of the people to bear arms. This was adopted with the rest of the Bill of Rights. However, with this being said there are people that take this right to heart, and they feel they should be able to have any gun they want. There are guns that are specifically designed for military, some local or state law enforcement and are illegal for the average person to own. There are a lot of Federal and state laws that have to be met prior to anyone purchasing and therefore, owning a gun. There are safety laws that have been put in place to keep guns out of the hands of convicted felons, children, and the mentally handicapped as well as other irresponsible people that may have the ability to injure or kill another human being. There are also certain criteria a person will have to meet before the purchase of a gun will go through. A gun owner knows what it takes to kill and those individuals know there should be different forms of gun control measures to help prevent accidents from occurring. As the saying goes â€Å"Guns don’t kill people, people do. † The prevention of accidents is just one reason for supporting gun control. Another reason to support gun control is to prevent the people already mentioned from having the ability to get a gun that can be used to injure or intimidate people. Better enforcement of the many gun laws we have in place currently should be the priority of the state and local law enforcement agencies. Commandeering someone’s gun or extremely over-the-top gun laws are not the answers to fixing the gun problems we are faced with today. Strictly enforcing current laws, we have in place now is the answer. The U. S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 vote on Thursday June 26, 2008 declared for the first time that Second Amendment to the U. S. Constitution guaranteed the rights of individual Americans to bear and keep arms. They stated that the ownership of a gun is a right of the individual, not intertwined with military service, and that it can be regulated in some ways, (2008, June 26) Furthermore, this ruling came out of Washington D. C; case that had a security guard sued the district for prohibiting him from keeping his handgun at his home. In D. C. , it is a crime to carry an unregistered firearm, and registration of a handgun is prohibited. The rules for handguns are so strict that they regulate handguns out of existence. These rules are put in place to try and curb violence with handguns in the nation’s capital. This ruling furthermore struck down this ban on constitutional grounds, stating it flew in the face of our constitutional right to bear arms, (2008, June 26) The case in D. C. also It was also stated that the two sides in this case viewed the Founding Fathers intentions of the Amendment rights very different. For the most part the majority of the Supreme Court Justices said that this amendment protected the individual’s right to own a gun without connection with the service in a militia and to use this for a lawful purpose such as self-defense in the home. â€Å"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapons whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose,† Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for the majority. But it did allow for individuals to have guns for lawful purposes, such as hunting and defending themselves, he said. The majority clearly saw the individual right to own a gun, (2008, June 26) This ruling left in place many restrictions at both the federal and state levels, like the bans that were placed on felon’s right to have a gun, and the bans on sawed-off shotguns and assault weapons. Justice John Paul Stevens stated that this ruling would leave it up to future courts to really define the details of the right to bear arms. He also stated that this should be the business of state legislatures, and that the court should stay out of this. Lastly, he stated that the law-abiding citizen will be able to keep a gun at home, but that it doesn’t address how the different states legislatures will want to regulate gun ownership. In another statement by Justice Stephen Breyer he stated that in his view â€Å"there simply is no untouchable constitutional right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to keep loaded handguns in the house in crime-ridden urban areas, (2008, June 26) This was a topic for debate between the 2008 democratic and republican presidential office runners. Senator McCain stated â€Å"Today's ruling makes clear that other municipalities like Chicago that have banned handguns have infringed on the constitutional rights of Americans,† he said. He also took a thinly veiled shot at the presumptive Democratic nominee, Sen. Barack Obama by saying â€Å"Unlike the elitist view that believes Americans cling to guns out of bitterness, today's ruling recognizes that gun ownership is a fundamental right — sacred, just as the right to free speech and assembly. Presidential nominee Barack Obama responded to this ruling by stating that â€Å"Today's ruling, the first clear statement on this issue in 127 years, will provide much-needed guidance to local jurisdictions across the country,† he said, adding that â€Å"what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne,† but the decision reinforced that â€Å"if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe, (2008, June 26) It would only be fair to state that the crime rate has plummeted since the Supreme court made its decision on the Second Amendment. The table below shows just the Chicago data and as you can see there is a decline, (2011, Oct 4). When this was first looked at the thought was that if there were more guns out there that this would cause crime to increase, but this has been proven to be false. This stat bears the question of where there fewer crimes because the citizens are now gun owners, and the criminals are aware of this. Do you think it is because the criminals fear the laws? I do not think it is because they fear the laws. I truly believe that these criminals are thinking in the back of their mind that if they try to commit a crime against someone who could be armed, and they will retaliate by shooting them in self-defense. This may really make a criminal rethink this act before he/she commits the crime. Furthermore, I think the fact that the victim might be so scared and could shoot without thinking and possibly killing the perpetrator truly has the perpetrator thinking of this unknown factor, and that makes them more cautious about committing the crime in the first place. The following is a chart for the crime rates from 2009-2010, (2010, Dec. 20). As you can see that not only did the rates change in Chicago but the one below is for the United States as a whole. It was said that the â€Å"The Supreme Court breathed new life into the amendment when it struck down strict handgun bans in Washington and Chicago and spoke of the â€Å"inherent right of self-defense. † But to the dismay of gun rights advocates, judges in recent months have read those decisions narrowly and rejected claims from those who said they had a constitutional right to carry a loaded gun on their person or in their car. Instead, these judges from California to Maryland have said the â€Å"core right† to a gun is limited to the home. Now, the National Rifle Assn. is asking the high court to take up the issue this fall and â€Å"correct the widespread misapprehension that the 2nd Amendment's scope does not extend beyond the home. † Stephen Halbrook, an NRA lawyer, said â€Å"some judges have buried their heads in the sand and have refused to go one step further† than saying there is a right to have a gun at home. The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence hailed the trend and called the high court's rulings a â€Å"hollow victory† for gun enthusiasts. The gun lobby has tried to expand [the 2nd Amendment] into a broad right to carry any type of gun anywhere. And they have been almost unanimously rejected by the courts,† said Jonathan Lowy, director of legal action. He conceded, however, that â€Å"this battle is far from over. † The uncertainty began with the Supr eme Court itself. In 2008, Justice Antonin Scalia said the history of the 2nd Amendment shows it â€Å"guarantees the individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation. But other parts of his 5-4 opinion stressed there is no right to â€Å"carry any weapon in any manner,† and that bans on â€Å"carrying concealed weapons were lawful† in the 19th century† (Savage, D, 2011) The following stats provided by the FBI provide ammunition on the Supreme Court’s decision on the second Amendment. It stated that â€Å"Despite a grinding recession, reported crime in the United States continues to fall, the FBI said Monday. Violent crime was down 6 percent in 2010 — the fourth consecutive yearly decline, according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report. Property crime dropped for the eighth year in a row, down 2. 7 percent in 2010. In Pennsylvania, violent crime fell 3 percent and property crime ticked down 0. 5 percent. New Jersey and Delaware reported small drops in violent crime, but increases in property crime,† (Moran, R. 2011). These stats show that right to bear arms did not have a negative effect on the recession. As I read all the articles and stories while doing my research for this paper, I find that the restrictions imposed on gun ownership appear to infringe on our Second Amendment rights provided to us by the U. S. Constitution. I also feel that there should definitely be some sort of control on guns, but we should not do this at the expense of what the Founding Fathers wrote in the U. S. Constitution. As what has been previously covered in this paper the mentally ill, convicted felons, or people that have been convicted of violent crimes should be the only ones that are exempt from owning a gun, and I truly feel that this is for the safety of our citizens here in the United States. Furthermore, I think that states should not impose such restrictions and deny all of that states people the right to own a gun. This is not only a direct violation of that persons Second Amendment rights but also a violation of a person’s right to due process under the 14th amendment. Lastly, I truly believe that the extreme laws or gun confiscations are illegal under the US Constitution and these do not work to stop crimes. Reference Anonymous,  . The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. The Latest Stats Show a Continuing Decline in Crime Preliminary Semiannual Uniform Crime Report, January-June, 2010 (2010,  December , 20). Retrieved from http://www. bing. com/images/search? q=FBI+Crime+Rate+Reporting;view=detail;id=F22BCC735FB3184B04D1C2B36F350ED63CBD086F;first=0;FORM=IDFRIR Anonymous,  . SUPREME COURT ENDORSES NEW VIEW OF SECOND AMENDMENT Protection. (2008,  September). Criminal Justice Newsletter,3. Retrieved from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? index=6;did=1646334181;SrchMode=1;sid=7;Fmt=2;VInst=PROD;VType=PQD;RQT=309;VName=PQD;TS=1322524094;clientId=74379 Lott, J. 2011, Oct 4) Chicago’s Violent Crime Rates Plummet After SCOTUS Removes Handgun Ban. Andrew Breitbart Presents BIG GOVERNMENT. Retrieved from http://biggovernment. com/jlott/2011/10/04/chicagos-violent-crime-rates-plummet-after-scotus-removes-handgun-ban/ Moran, R   (2011, September20). Crime rates continue to fall, FBI reports. McClatchy – Tribune Business News. Retrieved from http://proquest. umi. com/pqdweb? index=0;did=2460748471;SrchMode=1;sid=2;Fmt=3;VInst=PROD;VType=PQD;RQT=309;VName=PQD;TS=1324404944;clientId =74379

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Change Management Processc

Task: You have been asked to oversee a major change management process in your organisation (fact or fictional). Write an essay of about outlining how you would manage this change. In your essay you must address the following key points:   †¢ Outline the change that is going to take place;   †¢ What approach you will take in managing the change;   †¢ What are the key elements that you will have to manage during the change process?   †¢ What approaches will you use to measure the success of the change process?   †¢ What will be your approach to incorporating the learnings from the change process into future change management activities?    Change management is defined as the process of changing various aspects of an organization or a company, such as production procedure, employee performance, the work environment of the employees and many others. An organization has many different aspects to deal with. Sometimes some of an aspect may cause harm to the organization. Then it is severely necessary to change that particular aspect. There are three steps of bringing any change to the organization. First, the problems need to be identified by the management, then the problem or the issue should be properly analyzed, and the source of the problem should be identified, and finally the final step is to solve the problem with required skill and confidence. The change management is one of the most important aspects of running an organization successfully. Many organizations including some large scale organization had bankrupted just because of lack of change of the required issues. Similarly for an health care organization, the issues should be avoided by adopting proper change. At the period of getting some changes in an organization, at first, the management of the organization has to search the faults of the organization, here a health care organization (Change management, 2007). After that, the problems are needed to be sorted out and then the finding problems are come to know how these problems can be overcome. The management of a health care organization always needs to be perfect and to serve to people properly. So if any problems to the organization come where it can’t get as profit as it got at the previous time, it may take some changes over the working process of the management. Through the way of getting the output, the process of change project would point out the problems relevant to the up gradation of software and hardware equipment, improvement of personnel training; empowerment of employees has extra motives and environment of the workplace (Pugh & Mayle, 2009). To begin the changes the management needs to have some agreement like th ese changes would never get a change directly to the organizational culture as it could meet resistance and smell failure in a very short period. So the pointed problems of the company are needed to get an eye over it. A health care organization or hospital depends upon different factors such as, the communication between hospital management and the patient as well as their family members, the proper use of the surgical equipment, the procedure of medical examination and many others. Other than that, updated hardware and software equipment is also important to the organization. Then it comes to the efficient and skillful work of the workers or employees of the organization (Greener & Hughes, 2006). How the fresher workers can be more efficient to their job, it comes under the eye of training period of the trainees. So the training of the fresher workers' is much important to get more benefitted. Management of a health care organization provides trainers for training the new joiners of the company as they can give them more responsibilities and get more profit than what they are getting right now. When these all new joiners get over their training period, they will be more experienced and skillful from what they were at the first day of joining. But these all problems would get changes without affecting the organizational culture of the company because the changes of the organizational culture can reach to the root of the company and it can give positive and negative both kinds of effects to the organization. Another problem that can be taken under changes is an environment of the workplace which is a major and effective problem of an organization (Hughes, 2007). The communication between the management and the workers must be more pleasant. Similarly the communication between the management or the workers and the patient and their family members must be nice. Thus if there is any problem with the communication, it should be modified or changed.   After the findings of the problems of the health care organization, there will be some approaches to the higher authority of the company. The communicational approach is one of the most valuable approaches to the management (Hughes, 2007). Communication between the leaders and their employees' should be friendlier for the improvement of the outcome of the given project. If the understanding between the management and the health care workers does not meet converges to the ultimate aim the output of the work won't be beneficial. Another point of approach is up gradation of the medical examination procedure. Backdated equipment gives an output to the respect of the given input, but more updated equpment gives a better performance to the respect of given one. The medical examination procedure is synchronized to the benefit of the organization, so it is very important to get changes in case of examination procedure as well as (Victor & Franckeiss, 2002). In the event of this change, the a pproach to the authority should point on time. Time is very important to an organization as they want to have a maximum job to the respect of minimum time. So this is what every organization needs from their employees to get benefited of to the respect of time. If a company gets more performance by the respect of time, the management will get more profit. So the up gradation of the hardware and software equipment will squeeze the working time. Employees can provide maximum output in respect of less time (Victor & Franckeiss, 2002). There is another approach to the management of the organization which will be polite environment at the workplace. If the fresh workers can get polite behavior, friendlier attitude from the trainers they can understand their job more frequently and this can give more benefit to the company. As the new joiners will follow their job more successively, they can provide their performance soon. So the trainers of the management should be more polite in nature and friendlier to their trainees. When a new joiner won't get scared to ask his or her trainer about their queries they will be close to their service more easily. So these are the approaches which can be put in front of the management to update their job strategies. So the approaches will be based on communication between leaders and employees, time management which could run the company more frequently with the help of updated hardware and software equipment, polite behavior and friendlier environment in the workplace, understanding attitudes of the trainers towards the trainees. These all could be beneficial to the organization (Maruca, 2006). Now the key elements or the factors which should be changed for the management of the company has been discussed earlier (Lewis, Passmore, & Cantore, 2011). For getting a better outcome the management of the organization should pay attention to the aspect of updating hardware and software equipment of the company, inspire the workers to do their job in more efficient and better method, making a good and motivational environment for the fresher workers of the organization. These are the key points or elements need to be managed during the period of getting changes in the organization. When the workers get a refreshed environment, they can perform in a relaxed mind and give the most skillful job to the management. So the management should reserve a separate time to make refreshment to the workers of the organization (Calvez & Guà ©nette, 2003). As they are getting a time of food, they can relax at that time and get the energy to perform better. Like this, the environment of the workpl ace should be lighter as the employees would be able to do the most skillful job at the place where they are working. There is another finding of a problem on the backdated technological versions of the working equipment of the company. At first, the old versions of the medical examination equipment should be removed. After that management should put an eye on the new versions of the technology, and then they will appoint some workers to find the ultimate equipment what the organization needs (Murrell & Meredith, 2000). Then the management will get that updated equipment to the company and let their experienced workers put a try on those. If the experienced workers can perform better job through the innovative technology adaptation, the company will spare other workers to work with that new version equipment. The performance of the workers will get higher, and company will get maximum profit in minimum time. Next there comes the communication gap between the trainers and trainees. I n the maximum cases, the communication between trainers and the trainees are not so smooth that is why the post-training period performance of the most of the employees are not so well (Schermerhorn, Osborn, & Hunt, 2000). The atmosphere of the training period should be friendlier towards the trainees. The relation between trainees and trainers should be more refreshed as the trainees can clear their queries through a peaceful mind and after they reach to their post-training period, they will be able to perform a better job. These are the key elements of the problems which should be given more attention at the time of changes.  Ã‚   The above-mentioned issues or problems severely harm the organization or the company. Thus to run the health care organization successfully some changes must be taken by the management of the organization (Kerber & Buono, 2007). Suppose if a company is constantly getting negative remarks from the patient or their family members then there must be some problem with their service. In that case they to be more creative and more satisfactory towards their patients. The better is the satisfaction of the patients the more will be the profit of the organization or the company. There are various approaches to the management of the change process. The organization or to be more precise the management have to be more conscious towards various aspects of the organization. For example the training process of the fresher employees, the work environment of the employees, the communication between the management and the patients and their family members, hardware and software development of the com pany and so many (Peppers & Rogers, 2011). The training process of the fresher employees is one of the basic requirements in the way to develop the business of the company. If there is any problem in the training process then in future the employees will have to face some problems regarding their work. That means it is the responsibility of the management to provide the most experienced trainer for the training process. Another important thing is the duration or time of the training. Every employee does not have equal merit, so sufficient time should be given to the fresher to know the process of the work. This is how the employee can gain required skill and confidence to deal with their job. The communication between the trainer and the employee should be pleasant and nice. Otherwise, it may cause disobedience of the fresher employees (Finch, 2011). Other than these aspects there are many another aspect to which the management should pay attention, like the work environment of the employees. The leader of the company as well as the human resource manager must be motivating and supportive towards his employees. The management should also look after the basic requirements of the employees. Suppose an employee is working in a room where there is no fan. Naturally it would not satisfy the employee who will ultimately harm the company. The hardware and software development of the company is also a very important factor. The management of the organization or the company must recruit employees who can successfully develop the hardware and software systems of the company. For example in most of the large-scale industries, including some renowned health care organizations the head of the company operates the database of each and every employee. Thus, if there is a problem with a database system, it might harm the security of the organization (Baldoni, 2005). These are some approach that the company or the organization should take to get rid of any downfall of the comp any. Change management is something that always includes a cause and an effect. The basic causes for which the changes must be taken are already discussed in above paragraph (Kessler, 2013). If there is the cause, there must be an effect. Here also, there is a great effect of the change process which is obviously benefactor for the health care system. A health care system or a hospital is a place where people come to get rid of their physical problems, thus a health care by adopting the mentioned changes can serve the people in a much better way. It may also be considered as the advantages of the required changes. If a organization is having some problem with any of its aspect, naturally it must be changed or modified (Arsenault, 2004). The process of changing various aspects is also mentioned. In totality, the main effect is the betterment or the improvement of the organization or the company. If the company is having any problem with its training procedure, taking the above-mentioned st eps can cause helpful to the fresher employees. If there is any issue regarding the patient satisfaction of the hospital, the process of service must be changed or modified. It will result in positive remarks or feedback of the patient and their family members, and if the patients are satisfied with the service, the organization will surely be benefited. If there is any problem with the work environment of the employees or employee satisfaction, the company or the organization will be harmed (Topolosky, 2000). To prevent this problem the leaders, human resource manager and the whole management of the organization have to be influential as well as supportive towards the workers of the company. If the communication between the workers and the management is good, there will be a pleasant and nice working environment. As a result, the whole organization will be benefited and the workers or employees of the organization will get a better environment to work which will be satisfactory eno ugh to them. Not only these but there are also some other advantages of bringing some required change to the company. Like if the database system of the company is strong or if the controller of that database system is efficient and dedicated towards their work the, the management will be able to secure their company. The recruiting process as well the human resource manager must be loyal and dedicated towards his job. This will provide the organization with a lot of efficient workers or employee. The leadership of the organization, being one of the most important parts, should be changed or modified by their requirements. The main perspective or the point of the essay is to bring out the reasons, for which the change is needed, the changing process of the selected aspects and the benefits it will provide to the organization or the company as a whole (DR.K.VANITHA, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚   The above essay is all about change management in a health care organization, its cause, and effect to a particular organization or community. Organizational development is something that depends on each and every sector of a company including its service procedure, employee performance, the efficiency of the leaders, patient feedback and many. The issues that harm these sectors are already mentioned in the above passage including the approaches that should be taken to develop the company as a whole. If a health care organization successfully maintains these ways of change then it will surely be able to get rid of some issues. Since few decades, the lack of change management has caused severe harm to many renowned and well-settled companies including some hospitals. Similarly, some organization has also managed to develop their working process and business successfully with the help of change management. Thus, change management is always very important for an organization or a compan y as a whole.   Arsenault, B. (2004). Adapting to Change.  Journal Of Ambulatory Care Management,  27(3), 237-241. Calvez, V. & Guà ©nette, A. (2003). An approach to change management.Thunderbird International Business Review,  45(5), 629-636.   DR.K.VANITHA, D. (2012). Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction. Greener, T. & Hughes, M. (2006). Managing change before change management.Strat. Change,  15(4), 205-212. Harrington, H., Conner, D., & Horney, N. (2000).  Project change management. New York: McGraw Hill. Hughes, M. (2007). The Tools and Techniques of Change Management.  Journal Of Change Management,  7(1), 37-49.   Kerber, K. & Buono, A. (2007). Enhancing Change Capacity. Client-Consultant Collaboration and Emergent Change. Kessler, E. (2013).  Encyclopedia of management theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE. Lewis, S., Passmore, J., & Cantore, S. (2011).  Appreciative inquiry for change management. London: Kogan Page. Looking for an answer 'who will do my essay for cheap', .com has the perfect solution for you. We boast highly skilled and talented 3000+ essay writers , who are committed to providing needed essay help to students in Australia. They resolve students' academic problems and make sure students are well-equipped to write a good quality essay. Hence, students don't need to waste their time in searching, 'who will write my essay at cheap ', instead they pay for the best essay help services at .com. 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Friday, September 27, 2019

East Asia Politics, South Korea development Essay

East Asia Politics, South Korea development - Essay Example This paper briefly analyses the East Asian miracle focusing mainly on and South Korea based on World Bank report and some articles written by Atul Kohli and Bela Balassa. The 1993 World Bank policy research report states that private domestic investment and rapidly growing human capital were the principal engines of growth in South Korea like East Asian countries. Agricultural growth, population growth rate decline, better educated workforce effective public administrative system and high levels of financial savings also contributed heavily for the growth of this region (A World Bank Policy research report, p.5). South Koreans are hardworking population like most of the other Asian people. They have realized the importance of developing indigenous resources like agriculture for their economic development along with industrialization. They also realized the dangers of population growth and implemented many policies to restrict the population growth. Family planning policies were implemented in order to achieve this objective. World Bank report also mentioned the role of governmental intervention through multi channels, in the development of South Korea like East Asian country’s developments (A World Bank Policy research report, p.5). It is difficult for a country to develop properly if the problem is tackled from one side only. The economy of a country depends on many aspects and it is necessary to address all these aspects correctly in order to boost the economic growth. South Korea adopted a market friendly functional approach for their economic developments. Unlike many other countries they never looked the foreign direct investments suspiciously. They have welcomed and accepted FDI with both hands and formulated specific policies to; subsidize credit for some specific industries, keep the interest rates low, protect

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Define Learning From the Perspective of Consumer Behaviour Theory Essay

Define Learning From the Perspective of Consumer Behaviour Theory - Essay Example The proponents of this theory do not focus on the learning process but on the response of individuals to external stimuli.) this theory is also referred to as the stimulus response or vicarious theory. The classical and operant conditioning approaches try to explain this theory. According to classical conditioning, the stimulus is responsible for the response observed while for instrumental conditioning, the converse is true. When the classical conditioning is applied to consumer theory, the product brand triggers a response from the consumers that is desirable and enforces the desire to buy. This theory tries to achieve a particular response from unrelated stimuli, thus forming the basis of branding. The operant conditioning asserts that individuals will always act with reward in mind and avoid stimuli that result in punishment. This means that every behavior with pleasant results has a very high change to be repeated. Cognitive theory This theory explains learning based on the info rmation gathered and mentally processed in response to an actual problem. Even though there is no universally agreed theory on learning, the process is clear: learning happens, either intentionally or accidentally. For intentional acquisition of knowledge, the individual must have clearly sought the information through objective research. However, accidental learning just happens to find the individual. This is where advertising is most efficient in achieving (Evans, Jamal, & Foxall, 2006). The marketer is always interested in how the buyers learn as this information gives them an advantage in how they handle them. They always want to influence customer behaviour and this stems from the ability to teach the buyer their responsibility as consumers, the product of choice and its attributes. This is made effective through marketing and advertising (Lantos, 2010). The product of National museums of Australia is information. Its role is clearly defined and serves to inform the public on the Australian heritage and culture (National Museum of Australia, 2003-2010a). The first marketing communication strategy employed is that of accelerated information. The brand utilises its website as its online tool for advertising its activities and products. Its main product is information where it sells the Australian history and lifestyle. This is conducted through seminars, exhibitions and publications. The use of images of traditional Australians is an application of behavioural theory learning where the images invoke a conditioning of ‘our heritage’. Art galleries and buildings of national relevance derive the same effect. The individual is drawn to the article by the image and can open the article to acquire the information on the artifact or the classic architectures. The brand has journals, periodicals and e-news releases to ensure their position is maintained to be the first to point the consumer to the right direction. The brand shapes the perception of th e consumer on what forms part of the Australian culture and where they should visit (National Museum of Australia, 2003-2010a). Market target and segmentation is the other tool observed on the website. The aspect on segmentation is shown in this site that segments article to suite different markets. The brand is enhanced by

Ethics and Criminal Justice Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethics and Criminal Justice - Term Paper Example People who follow ethics are highly acknowledged and privileged by the society. Ethics, values and norms are not defined for the sake of knowledge only rather these are invented to be implemented properly. Simple moral ethics include taking care of sick, obeying of elders, avoiding lies, fair dealings etc. All these are common in every society and every religion of the world. Ethics are included in moral philosophy which involves in making moral judgments about the good or bad and right or wrong. It is obvious that these are absolute truths but also these are desirable by every cultured society (Singer 1995). Ethics and moral standards are of high importance in tackling cases of crimes. There has been every kind of big or small crime occurring round the globe. The world is not a quite safe place indeed. Rates of crimes all over the world particularly in US are increasing day by day. Law enforcement agencies are making their extreme efforts in order to make the world a safe place from these things. But since these are a part of society and the persons who conduct such activities are amongst us, we must have to have a system of rules to guide us in such situations which contain morality. No doubt dealing with humanity requires emotions too; but these only are not enough for making tough moral decisions. Here, ethics are defined in order to make justice and to give a message to other criminals too that they would not be spared from the justice in any case. Ethics in criminal justice sets the standards and limitations of the punishment according to the crime. They are quite helpful in determining the sensitivity of the case and to identify its variation. Once the nature of the crime is identified, then the criminals are charged correspondingly. Researches and analysis on ethics and criminal justice involves all those topics which are tagged under the law and justice. Some typical topics are authority of the state, role of law enforcement forces, providing a safe an d equal opportunity work environment which is free of rational and ethnical basis, crimes and prisoners etc. In order to research upon such sensitive and crucial topics, it is important to have a pre-defined set of moral ethics for a proper and fair judgment (Importance of ethics in Criminal Justice 2012). People who study and research upon criminal justice and critical ethics become able to have some analytical skills and logically reasoning abilities by which they can understand the complexities of different cases and tend to solve them with good moral judgments. By studying moral ethics, all such issues which occur within the criminal justice system can be understood well and criminal justice professionals may take lesser time in order to analyze the sensitivity of the case. They became able to draw consequences more quickly and enforce actual punishments as required by the crime. Since these professional are given power and authority to handle cases on their own; and in some cas es they may use or permit the use of physical force upon the criminals, it is necessary for them to have an in-depth knowledge of moral ethics so that they can distinguish between the limits and try as much as possible to keep make humanitarian decisions. They must not mis-use their authority and must not use it for personal purposes and benefits (Felkenes 1987). Since the subject of ethics belongs to the philosophy of life, we must understand and elaborate it in these terms. There

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Middle East And The West Of Asia History Assignment

Middle East And The West Of Asia History - Assignment Example The Crusades included expeditions to the Holy Land, Iberian Island, and North Eastern Europe, against Ottoman Turks, and the Hussite and Albigensian crusades. In addition, the jihad concept employed by the Muslim leaders became less significant during the last phase of the tenth century. However, the jihad concept regained force in the twelfth century wars between Muslims and the Latin Christian Crusaders. Hence, the Crusades raised a conflict between Christians and Muslims who were believed to threaten the existence of the Christian faith. During this period, Latin Christians never gained victory in the wars but did slow down the propagation of the Islamic faith. In the Iberian Peninsula Crusade, Christian leaders replaced Muslim leaders. As a result, other Christians, Muslims, and the Jews were forced to convert to the Catholic faith. Most notably would be the Hussite Crusade of the 1420s in which the Hussite heretical doctrine remained not eliminated. On the contrary, the Albigens ian Crusade eliminated the aristocratic clans who believed in the Cathar heretical doctrine. The wars and the plagues of incurable diseases that occurred during the Crusades period distressed the whole nation as well as killing vast portions of the world’s population thus destroying cities. The overtaxed and marginalized populations in the society protested against authoritative governments. It would be worth noting that, because of the Crusades, women began participating in high roles in both their cultures and the Western world. Despite the negative impacts of the wars marking the Crusades, positive impacts also emerged to mark the history of the Middle East and the West of Asia. The acquisition of... Moreover, the emergence of the middle-class concept originates from the rise of cities. In a similar perspective, the evolution of modern civilization could have only occurred following the rise and growth of medieval cities along with their associated cultural and artistic influences. The developments in science and technology consequently transformed the modern world into an engine and commercial driven society in terms of agriculture, the invention of the horizontal loom in cloth and the iron works and water power. Technology also facilitated the concepts of defined methodology and mechanization. Moreover, people organize their activities using timetables because of the discovery of the mechanical clock thereby changing the modern life. In conclusion, the paper presented the occurrences of the Crusades to include wars between different religious associations, conflicts between civic and church leaders, territorial invasions, the rise, and fall of Christianity and Islam faiths with their associated effects, and reformation of the Catholic Church’s architecture. Following these occurrences, the aftermath of the Crusades led to both negative and positive impacts. Negative impacts may include the destruction of cities and loss of lives. On the contrary, positive impacts consist of advancement in science, technology, and growth of cities. The growth of cities facilitated growth on the trade that stabilized social classes. The development enhanced health and welfare, which are essential for existence.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tracking Legislation in Northern Virginia (ie Fairfax, Arlington, Essay

Tracking Legislation in Northern Virginia (ie Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria) (Issues Transportation, Immigration, Guns, Taxes) - Essay Example The bill also removes a subsection that makes offenses in the rest of the section secondary offenses. This bill simply means that Virginia drivers ages 15, 16 and 17 will not be able to talk, send text, messages or snap photos with a phone while driving on Virginia roads. This ban, designed to reduce accidents, also will apply to hands-free devices but will allow teens to use a phone during an emergency. This HB 942 affects me and all the young road drivers who pass by the highways and roads of the State of Virginia. The bill puts a limit on the number of passengers one can bring with and it also institutes a driving clinic for errant young drivers. The first major provision of the bill states that "whenever the driving record of a person less than 19 years old shows that he has been convicted of committing, when he was less than 18 years old, (i) an offense for which demerit points have been assessed or are assessable under Article 19 ( 46.2-489 et seq.) of this chapter or (ii) a violation of any provision of Article 12 ( 46.2-1091 et seq.) or Article 13 ( 46.2-1095 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of this title, the Commissioner shall direct such person to attend a driver improvement clinic." The second major provision states that "If any person less than 19 years old is convicted a second time of committing, when he was less than 18 years old, (i) an offense for which demerit points have b een assessed or are assessable under Article 19 ( 46.2-489 et seq.) of this chapter or (ii) a violation of any provision of Article 12 ( 46.2-1091 et seq.) or Article 13 ( 46.2-1095 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of this title, the Commissioner shall suspend such person's driver's license or privilege to operate a motor vehicle for 90 days. Such suspension shall be consecutive to, and not concurrent with, any other period of license suspension, revocation or denial. The initial license issued to any person younger than 18 years of age shall be deemed a provisional driver's license. Until the holder is 18 years old, a provisional driver's license shall not authorize its holder to operate a motor vehicle with more than one passenger The general public is helped positively by this new bill since it reinforces the importance of road safety among Virginia' young drivers. The bill has a negative impact on young drivers since they have to forego the convenience of using wireless devices while driving. However, if one takes the importance of road safety at heart, the young people also benefit in terms of lives saved and the preservation of private property arising from damage due to potential road accidents. The main goal of a traffic safety program is dedicated to saving lives and reducing injuries by preventing traffic crashes in Virginia. The aim is the maximum protection of the driving public. The success of these efforts is seen in the number of lives saved and the injuries prevented. Traffic fatalities were identified as the leading cause of death, especially for young people between the ages of four and 34. The "years of life lost" as a result of these terrible events make their social costs particularly high. Many of these tragic losses of lives could have been prevented with better traffic safety bills. Virginia Governor Timothy M. Kaine wants more traffic safety bills in order to reduce accidents and injuries due to erring drivers. Traffic safety is an important issue since Virginia had suffered from many traffic accidents which had resulted in the loss of many lives. For instance, Virginia's 2004 rate of 1.17 fatalities per 100 million vehicle-miles of travel was lower than the national average of 1.44 per 100

Monday, September 23, 2019

Research Papaer 1 Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Papaer 1 - Research Paper Example She also discovers websites with people struggling to commit suicide. Cecilia then establishes an online chat with a 17 year old suicidal girl from South America. The girl is on a suicide trail with the enticement of a purportedly young nurse by the username, Li Dao. They make a concord to hang themselves together at a specific time in front of a webcam. As Cecilia later realizes, the nurse turns out to be a middle aged man named William. William masks himself as Cami D, Falcon Girl and Li Dao. The evidence provides a platform for inquiry into one of the most alarming computer crime syndicates. The section expounds the basic connection between interactive motivational typology and the crimes perpetrated by the computer1. On a wider scale, the section elaborates the elements of humanity that can be enticed to motivate a suicide attempt. The motives for any criminal activity are dependent on a particular technology. There are psychological behavioral motives that motivate a criminal activity. Power assurance is a behavioral motive that restores the poise of low-confidence individuals. They perpetrate criminal activities through online molestation and blackmailing of their victims2. Andrew Archambeau, a 32 year old male stalker, molests a lady she meets through an online dating cite. They meet personally and after the romance goes bad, Andrew molests her via emails. Profit driving motives are the source of most computer crimes. Offenders seek to gain from the computer crimes by defrauding their victims. In a case study, Vladimir Levin, a computer guru, defrauded a major bank of Russia funds through a fraud system. The motivators of suicidal computer crimes suffer from rage punitive, atrocious and devious behavioral motives. The case of Andrew reaches the police attention. The police warn Andrew to seize her actions. However, he proceeds with the behavior. The assistant county prosecutor charges Andrew under the law

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Properties of Gases Essay Example for Free

Properties of Gases Essay The purpose of this lab was to investigate and discover the physical and chemical properties of some gases. Throughout this lab the ability to identify if and when gasses were present was enhanced. During the first step of this lab, when obtaining the hydrogen from the mossy zinc and the hydrochloric acid, it took a lot longer than I thought it would for the water in the pipet to be displaced. I was tempted to remove the stopper and add another piece of zinc and see if that would make it go faster, but I did not want to interrupt the process. It seemed the longer that the mossy zinc was exposed to the hydrochloric acid the faster it dissolved and therefore more gas was produced. When the manganese and the hydrogen peroxide were exposed to each other there was much more fizzing produced than that of the zinc and the hydrochloric acid. I was surprised (although I don’t know why) that the lime water turned cloudy when exposed to breath. It is quite simple when you think about it that when you exhale you release carbon dioxide which as shown in the above data turns the lime water cloudy. Conclusion/Discussion During the course of this lab I learned a lot about the generation of gases. I was somewhat confused in the beginning about how to use some of the equipment for this lab. As the lab went on I figured it out and became much more comfortable with it. I thought some of the experiments were very informative and interesting. I especially liked the portions about reactions with a lit match or the glowing splint as it showed on a small scale if the gas produced was flammable or not. Questions A. Give two reasons why we fill the gas generator test tubes almost to the top with chemicals. 1. The first reason we fill the test tubes almost to the top with chemicals is so that the reaction between the two substances is high enough to the top to go through the rubber stopper and displace the water in the pipet and trap the gas. 2. The second reason is so that observations can be made easily about the reactions. If it was not almost completely filled we may have had to try to pick up the test tube or remove the tissue paper to make observations and this may have altered the results. B. What happens to the zinc in the hydrogen generation experiment? The zinc begins to slowly dissolve when exposed to the hydrochloric acid. The longer the zinc was submerged in the hydrochloric acid the faster it seemed to dissolve. C. What happens to the manganese in the oxygen generation experiment? The manganese produced large amounts of fizzing when exposed to the hydrogen peroxide. It was difficult to tell whether the manganese was actually dissolving or just fizzing. D. Write a balanced equation for the reaction between O2 and H2. 2H2 + O2 2H2O E. What is the function/purpose of the bromothymol blue in the CO2 experiment? The purpose of the bromothymol blue was to show the reaction of the chemicals and the gas that was formed. Since the bromothymol blue changed from blue to yellow, that signified that the gas formed was acidic. F. Bromothymol blue is blue in the presence of basic solutions, and yellow in the presence of acidic solutions. If your solution is a murky green, what might you assume about the solution? I would assume one of two things. There may have possibly been a contamination of the substance. The other possibility might be that the pH of the solution is neutral. If the bromothymol blue turns a murky green color this may indicate that the substance is neither basic or acidic.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Causes of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA)

Causes of Road Traffic Accidents (RTA) Road accident fatalities are one of the major causes of death and injuries in Malaysia. Believed it or not, every years more people died because of road accident compare to diseases. Human factors, including their attitudes, carelessness and health contributed to almost all road accidents in this country and number keep on increasing every year and last year alone it shown increases of 397,194 cases in which fatal death accident note down 6,218 cases sources from Road Safety Department Malaysia (RSDM). In Asia, it estimated 400,000 people are killed because of road accident and about 4 million suffered injuries. Apart from that, about 15 million more suffered disability for life sources from Transport Research Laboratory, United Kingdom. The increasing number of road accident fatalities is contributed from the fast growing of economic, population, motorisation and the improvement development of the industrial sector in this country on wide scale. Each year, Malaysian has a new car o n the road due to most of Malaysian, affords to buy a new car each year. Last year alone, car sales peak up 2 percent nearly 536,905 vehicles said Aishah Ahmad (2010). The aim of this paper is to provide critical knowledge and understanding the causes and nature of accidents, statistical data regarding road accidents, social-economical context and impact towards my practise environment especially nursing profession. Hopefully, I critically enable too highlight the reflected issue. Nurse is a noble career. This career suit appropriate for a particular person with warm hearted, caring, concern and patience in accept challenges. A nurse has a great deal of responsibility in saving people lives like a doctor who are skillful medical expert and healer. Nurse as a healthcare provider, working shoulder to shoulder with doctors. In fact, the nurses presence indeed can make a difference between life and death. Im a nurse, working in Emergency and Trauma Department (ED), ED provides twenty four hours emergency care for the population of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya district and its surrounding area and responsible for the immediate recognition, evaluation, treatment, stabilisation and disposition of medical and surgical emergencies. Other emergency care services provided include Definitive Care Management, Pre Hospital Care, Call Centre and Disaster Management. As an ED nurse working at twenty four hours emergency care unit facing up with the increasing fatalities of road accident injury had burden up the workload towards nurses job itself. Delivering effective, accurate and carried out appropriate triaging system can be at stack. Why? Because of the stress amount had to carried out due to interpersonal attitudes, physical ability, shortage of working personal like doctor, nurses or assistant medical assistant (AMO), lack of appropriate equipment, working staff poor of knowledge and skill in dealing with patient with unstable conditions, that need to be treated quickly. Because time is such an essential factor in emergency treatment and proper triaging of patient in ED allows life-saving and first aid measures. In fact, triaging reducing patient waiting times that are in need of urgent attention and assessment on arrival. This will determine their priority of care, this was adapted from military medical practice as describe by Crouch R (199 2). The goals and the potential benefits of triage especially at ED is in assessing patient priority of care upon arrival, provision of life-saving and first aid interventions, reducing the anxiety frustration by quick assessment, provide information to patients and relatives, more efficient use of resources by early and appropriate directing of patient, it is according to the my department Patients Charter. The benefit of this assessment, able to direct patient to the most appropriate care area. Bailey. A (1997). Because of patient care increasingly needed on treating the sickest, the need for advanced practice nurse to provide and coordinate care in emergency rooms or trauma care has never been greater. In response to the increasing demand and changes within the scope of professional practice as a qualified nurse. There are few essential responsibilities carried out by nurses at ED. For instance, identifies Substantial psycho-emotion need by evaluate and assessing patient before distribute them for appropriate care area, age-specific plans for patient accordance to the standard nursing guidelines for proper care and treatment, perform constant observation of vital sign. Perform duties as a mentor and key player particularily in advanced area for other nurses and health care professional. In providing good quality nursing care as outlined by Nurses Act 1950 (Revised-1969). Currently and in future ahead nurses role will increase along side with the rising health consciousness and in need of good quality health care worldwide. In reality, nurses are one of a crucial component in patients recovery stated by Richardson LD (2001). As defined by, nurse in ED is who has a nursing practice with formal post-basic education in holistic assessment, physical diagnosis, treatment and promotion of health. Similarly, Tritsch (1998), has observed that the transition into excited environments has highlighted the need for theory-based practice to new level. Nurse in ED performs all responsibilities or duties meets Nursing and Midwifery Board, Malaysia standard of service. There are still some debate about nursing roles in the ED, suggesting that there have been some erosion of conventional nursing value such as care, compassion and loyalty. The responsibility of nurses in ED needs to be clarified; as we know, nurses not practically care for non-critical patients as review by Watkinson S, (2006). The nurses role in ED is high recognisable and which is also allow the development of the nursing knowledge and skill. This includes triage, trauma care for patient in the entire areas of the ED as required. Jones (1990); found that normal practice in these departments was impossible to establish, such was the variety of skills of a medical practitioner being undertaken. In making these potential roles in patient care are to be realised, the ED nurse should not be viewed as a replacement to the junior doctor or AMO, but view as a professional with high qualities and skills said Hooker R (2006). In addition, there should be determine some appropriate scope of practice for ED nurse to established a position within the multidisciplinary team in enhance ED care. Theres should be inter-professional discussion to clarify the manpower, educational and professional/political implication of the ED nurse role. The implication of the ED nurse role system can provides towards the development of nursing practice in each trust on a multidisciplinary basis, providing of vicarious liability by the employing right for each ED nurse, providing appropriate education programmes i.e. ED nurse should retain a generic education programme such as Post-Basic in Advanced Emergency Medical Trauma Care (AEMTC) or separate module of high tertiary level of education in Degree or Master and also provide with short time programme development like MTLS(Malaysia Trauma Life Support), ACLS(Advanced Cardiac Life Support), BLS(Basic Life Support) and in PALS(Paediatric Advanced Life Support), but this unique opportunity not an effective resource whereby, possible de-skilling of the emergency nurse practice in other aspects of nursing care. There are many causes of accident on the road. Driving recklessly examples awful personal habits, speeding, lack of awareness, in proper or unacceptable behaviour and not wearing proper safety gear or attire especially for motorcyclist and other road user are some of the problems that contribute factor for accidents. According to a study by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM, 2009), it shown nearly 500 drivers involved in road accident, it found out that some of car driver driving when sleepy, driving late night and driving for six to eight hours non-stop or lack of sleep, this linked up with a significant raise and risk of a car crash and would resulting in severe injury or death. Human error is a central element in accidents. Peter (1998) defined an error is a set of human series of action that exceeds level of tolerability. Usually, the normal judgment in behavior and human error is a departure from a normal human being. Reason (1990), reflect unsafe acts is an errors, mistake and violation. Errors can happen with or without conscious thought. It like an action that result from misinterpretation of the actual situation. In other words, mistakes are accidental behaviors that involve incorrect choice of inappropriate action for that particular situation. Routine violations come from the rules which involve behaviors, such as driving faster than the speed limit i.e.120 km/h. According to the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) Malaysia, the road accident fatality in Malaysia for year 2008 are 373,407 compared with years 2009 which is estimated 397,330 road accident. The difference is about 24,283 or 6.5 percent cases of road accident throughout the whole state of Malay sia. In the meantime, if comparing with other developed countries like Switzerland, Germany and the United States they have managed to reduce the percentage of road accident percentage from 1.9 percent to 1.4 percent said Road Safety Department, Malaysia. See appendix. The number of casualties due to motor vehicle accident (MVA) in the year 2009 for my ED alone stated up to 854 cases. Accident was the first main cause of hospitalization and cause of death for my hospitals. From recent analysis shown that, accidents are more commonly involved motor vehicles and non-motorized vehicles. For 2009, the majority of emergency call for ambulance service which is my ED had this specialized mobilised team in attend patient involved in MVA for early stabilisation and treatment, followed by attending patient who had injuries at workplace and domestic accidents. The increasing of trauma cases were related to the coverage area involving the opening of Maju expressway and the increased of population of office area, commercial centre and housing area. See Appendix. Statistical analysis shown most of the admitted or received patient at my ED for 2005-2009 reported the significant case of head injury was due to MVA. It can be sub-divide into different type of category range from severe to minor head injury. See appendix. The most common cases involved in road accident fatalities caused by severe head injury with 86 patients out of 269 of total head injury suffered from MVA. About 90 percent of the total patient was in coma or with low GCS (Glasgow Coma Scale), the level of consciousness in most of the patient were 3/15 in scale. Enlighten with the government policies and needs on extended the roles of nurses at ED, provided with the underline guidelines and together with the ethical framework of professional practice. As highlighted the requirement for a safe standard of care, nurses have a responsibility to act accordance with rules and guidance which adopted the ethical theories of Deontology; where it is a special duty and obligation to specific people or community. Ethically it is a good practice for examples a healthcare worker have an obligation to protect and safe people who had an injury or in need of help. Here, I have identified six principles for professional practice can be widen; recognition that the nursing practice carried out meet the needs of patient, continually striving for skills and knowledge that provide safe and competent care delivery, recognize the personal limitation of skill and knowledge and effort to ensure meet of patients needs, identify the expansion role must maintain continu ously for safety of the patient care, recognition of the effort of other healthcare workers involved in patient care and provide treatment and lastly the ability to delegate task appropriately. These projections are affected to some and this in fact extent to our context where; in our modern society road accident constitute a major problem thus imposing a significant burden on the workload and financial resources to the government. Malaysia is one of the countries, who have the highest road accident fatality in comparing with among other Southeast Asia country. Road accident fatality causes this country losses man power or working power professional or non professional workers, causes property and infrastructure damage, medical billing burst up sky high, create poor productivity due to disability suffered from injury and lack of professional workers and other revenue maintenance management costly increased and this effect the country economic growth edited by Radin Umar (1998). An average compensation of insurance in the event of damage to or loss of property, life or a person has peak up tremendously. The increasing number of road accident fatalities could push the insurer to press on the insurance premium and the money paid up in the event of damage was a terrible lost of economic profit to the country. According to from Transport Research Laboratory, United Kingdom reported, during 2005-2009 between 750.000 and 880.000 people died in road accidents worldwide. Most of them from the developing and mid-develop countries. Globally, most of the productive age group was involved in the road accident fatalities and loss of disability. The General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) is concerned over the recent rise in accidents involving commercial vehicles definitely will definitely increased insurance compensation because generally, the whole nation not just Malaysia suffered the effect and economic burden of road accident fatality and its estimated about 500 billion dollar. This event causing the held back of social and economic development at large. It involved million of money compensation due to raise of death toll and injuries, costly medical bill, rigorous demand on resources in providing welfare service and contribution, economic growth below per-average, the state become p oorer due to loss of productivity. Conclusion I found out the current situation of healthcare in ED, nurses need to adapt to the constantly changing healthcare procedure, skilled and technique in treating a patient and find new ways to deliver good care-specifically in terms of make it more practical and effective nursing practice to a utmost level ED standard. Having seeing the increasing number of patients involved in road fatality and in-accomplished the goal for urgent-care centers and integrated standard of care of a patient in ED. Nurse are excellent in communicating with patients and in collaborate with other colleague of the para-professional team. Nurses can deliver an exceptional role in terms of reorganizing the ED standard of practice with the current emergency crisis. While road safety has long been consider one of the social responsibilities to the government of Malaysia. I believe this responsibility should not solely rest on the government because there are many ways that the private sector can support government road safety campaigns and initiatives. I hoped members of the private sector would participate and contribute to the effort of increasing road awareness. The government will carry on investing seriously on road safety campaigns in bringing down the fatality rate to below two for every 10,000 registered vehicles by 2020, on par with other developed countries. With the governments spending on multimedia awareness campaigns for road users and upgrading accident-prone roads for safer use is hopefully will further reduce road deaths. Of all road accidents in Malaysia, fatal accident justified a higher degree of concern. However, road authorities feel contend with the figures of 6,218 cases death for last year alone. Although studies shown that causes to most of the accident is because of the drivers themselves. The need for providing a safe and efficient road system has been a main concern to the Malaysian government. Extra measures have to be taken up such as aggressive road safety campaign awareness in civilizing and educate road user to abide by the law and road regulation. Other relevant agencies such as Ministry of Works, Malaysia (MOW) in providing a better and safer road and Ministry of Transport, Malaysia (MOT) constantly make an positive effort in order to improve traffic accident in Malaysia, alongside with the Ministry of Health, Malaysia (MOH) in providing better emergency aid management in attending and treating MVA cases and other government authority efforts to reduce traffic accident and to achiev e its targets, because prevention is better than cure as point up by Furthermore, positive steps have taken into respond by encourage people especially road user to shared care when go for work, encourage to use and support public transport, promote walking as part of health exercise and use of bicycle as an option to traffic congestion and for better and cleaner air for environment and to people to breath. As whole year, most Malaysian will witnessing and exposed with sizzling catchphrase advertisement throughout the radio, television, internet, poster, newspaper and giant electronic screen placed in most major city throughout Malaysia. Some of the phrase held like Stop on Red Light, Ware your seat belt, Celebration, Drive safely, Driving in patient and other sought kind of positive catchphrase. The campaign brought by Road Safety Council Malaysia (2010) and they will highlight on four main issue such as; road safety is a together and community effort and not a sole effort of a government, road regulation and rules is a mandatory ruling to be follow by all road user or bear-up will the summon and severe penalty, follow the law will reducing and avoid fatality and lastly if every citizen support this campaign with uncompromisingly. Hopefully, in future; collaboration between intra and inter government agency will improve more on road safety and nevertheless, the government could achieve road accident death toll to below par level. As it will also could, save million of Ringgit in term of property damage, working force and productivity loss and also medical cost.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

SEDS-Saving Space Exploration Essay -- Space Exploration Essays

SEDS-Saving Space Exploration Space exploration was once a fascinating part of human culture. Back in the 60’s, when getting to the moon was a top priority, and exploring the features of other planets interested people, the space program had the momentum to pull off bigger and better things. To explore stars not even in our galaxy and even possibly pull off the feat of discovering extraterrestrial life was something people only dreamed about. Once being only in the imagination, space travel is a reality. Nowadays, many people have lost interest in the space program. With people’s interests in space exploration dwindling, as well as internal problems with the NASA program, funding has been cut short, and continued development in space exploration has been stunted. SEDS, which stands for Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, is one of the programs that is trying to bring the space program back to the prestige it held in the 60’s and is also attempting to regenerate public interest in space exploration. SEDS was founded in 1980 at MIT and Princeton and consists of an international group of high school, undergraduate, and graduate students from different educational backgrounds who are to promote the development and exploration of space as a whole ( One of the unique aspects about the organization is its dedication to being a youth-oriented organization. On the organization’s main website, the SEDS mission statement says SEDS supports a network of students across many of the nation’s top colleges. The mission statement also says the organization encourages young people who are interested in space to become a member of their organization. The SEDS mission statement also states by becomin... ...hives. The three chapters of SEDS that were analyzed all have their own qualities, and in one way or another contribute with the goal SEDS has set for the organization. All three chapters have flaws, but looking at whether the chapters did what they were supposed to do the chapters, for the most part, accomplished their goal. Information was provided from credible sources, as the information helps people become informed of space exploration. The goal of getting people physically involved with projects of space exploration is not completely fulfilled because of the lack of depth the descriptions of the projects have, and the lack of information of how to get involved in those projects. However, the overall goal of saving space exploration can be accomplished if SEDS uses their chapters wisely and continues to expand their organization across colleges nation-wide.

A Room With A View by E.M. Forster and The Remains of the Day by Tovah

A Room With A View by E.M. Forster and The Remains of the Day by Tovah Martin 'A Room with a View' and 'The Remains of the Day' are two novels which involve journeys of physical and spiritual discovery. The main characters of the stories are dissimilar in gender, age and social status but both experience situations and encounters which challenge their perspectives and personal values. The authors of these books have both included references to nature and landscape to emphasize, mirror and reinforce the reactions and emotions of their characters. They have also used nature and landscape to highlight key events. 'A Room with a View' was written in 1908 and the opening chapters are set in Florence, Italy, a vibrant country, where the high temperatures and natural beauty can stir the emotions. Lucy Honeychurch, chaperoned by her spinster cousin, Charlotte Bartlett, is on a grand tour, and struggles to understand the unfamiliar emotions which are stirring within her. 'Lucy's rebellious thoughts swept out in words - for the first time in her life.' Suppressed emotions are released and she discovers a maturity, independence and strength of character which allow her to analyse and perceive individuals in a new light. She has the audacity to challenge Mr Eager, who finds it 'intolerable that she should disbelieve him.' Lucy and Charlotte face initial disappointment with the views from their rooms. They had been promised 'south rooms with a view' but had north rooms overlooking a courtyard. This dull, uninteresting outlook reflects Lucy's upbringing in rural England, where she has restricted freedom and a limited stimulation in a climate inclined to be damp and cloudy. This contrasts with her expectations for ... ...d leaving the reader with clear, reflective images of a bygone era in an English landscape which still exists. 'A Room with a View' has more dramatic contrasts and energy. The story begins in Italy and the descriptions are strong and powerful, reflecting the events and emotions which develop in the characters. The feelings of the people are passionate and full of vitality and the landscape and nature vividly echo and illustrate what is happening. England is changeable and blustery, gloomy and grey, illuminated by flashes of brilliance and beauty. The atmosphere contrasts with Italy as the plot changes pace and people re-evaluate and alter their course. This book contains romantic illusions to pastoral subjects and makes use of nature to support events and feelings, which brings the book to life and provides excitement and entertainment for the reader. A Room With A View by E.M. Forster and The Remains of the Day by Tovah A Room With A View by E.M. Forster and The Remains of the Day by Tovah Martin 'A Room with a View' and 'The Remains of the Day' are two novels which involve journeys of physical and spiritual discovery. The main characters of the stories are dissimilar in gender, age and social status but both experience situations and encounters which challenge their perspectives and personal values. The authors of these books have both included references to nature and landscape to emphasize, mirror and reinforce the reactions and emotions of their characters. They have also used nature and landscape to highlight key events. 'A Room with a View' was written in 1908 and the opening chapters are set in Florence, Italy, a vibrant country, where the high temperatures and natural beauty can stir the emotions. Lucy Honeychurch, chaperoned by her spinster cousin, Charlotte Bartlett, is on a grand tour, and struggles to understand the unfamiliar emotions which are stirring within her. 'Lucy's rebellious thoughts swept out in words - for the first time in her life.' Suppressed emotions are released and she discovers a maturity, independence and strength of character which allow her to analyse and perceive individuals in a new light. She has the audacity to challenge Mr Eager, who finds it 'intolerable that she should disbelieve him.' Lucy and Charlotte face initial disappointment with the views from their rooms. They had been promised 'south rooms with a view' but had north rooms overlooking a courtyard. This dull, uninteresting outlook reflects Lucy's upbringing in rural England, where she has restricted freedom and a limited stimulation in a climate inclined to be damp and cloudy. This contrasts with her expectations for ... ...d leaving the reader with clear, reflective images of a bygone era in an English landscape which still exists. 'A Room with a View' has more dramatic contrasts and energy. The story begins in Italy and the descriptions are strong and powerful, reflecting the events and emotions which develop in the characters. The feelings of the people are passionate and full of vitality and the landscape and nature vividly echo and illustrate what is happening. England is changeable and blustery, gloomy and grey, illuminated by flashes of brilliance and beauty. The atmosphere contrasts with Italy as the plot changes pace and people re-evaluate and alter their course. This book contains romantic illusions to pastoral subjects and makes use of nature to support events and feelings, which brings the book to life and provides excitement and entertainment for the reader.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Presence of Christianity in American Law :: Friedrich Nietzsche Genealogy of Morals Essays

The Presence of Christianity in American Law In his Genealogy of Morals, Friedrich Nietzsche presented his theory on the ascetic priest and how Christianity used the concept of original sin to give man meaning for his suffering. Christianity also gave people a way of channeling their resentment and breaking down socioeconomic barriers under the protection of God. With Christianity came altruism and compelled charity, but moreover, the formation of the congregation where the masses participated in an overwhelming act of self-deception (according to Nietzsche). In the American democracy, socioeconomic barriers are surpassed under the court of law, but this court is supposedly unattached from religion. Nonetheless, the influence of Christianity on American law and morality is such that one can call the U.S. democracy a secularized church (i.e. has the same behavior and structure as a church but without the imposed religiousness). An analysis of the comparison between the Christianity Nietzsche so adamantly criticized a nd the modern American society reveals that a secularized church as such can thrive and prosper despite its â€Å"weaknesses† due to the Christian origin. In Human, All-Too-Human, Nietzsche wrote, â€Å"Christianity came into existence in order to lighten the heart; but now it has first to burden the heart so as afterwards to be able to lighten it†. He criticized Christianity because it promoted suffering and belittled the value of earthly life. Not only were Christians expected to accept suffering as the means to salvation (â€Å"Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin† (1 Peter 4:1)), but the Christian God accepted pain and allowed it to occur. Nietzsche saw this approach to â€Å"life† as a means of self-deception, since one is upholding a divine being who is responsible for this pain (and who may well not even exist) and one is disguising pain as happiness: â€Å"Rejoice that you participate in the suffering of Christ† (1 Peter 4:13). To him, Christianity was a â€Å"dangerous narcoticà ¢â‚¬  (Genealogy of Morals, 3rd Essay, Section 17). With the formation of the Christian congregation, a community formed (which was, according to Nietzsche, implemented by the ascetic priest) that taught social equality.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Responding to the Ethical Challenges faced by Nike Essay

1.The company (Nike) lacked the ability to monitor the working conditions of their suppliers’ factories. Due to the fact that competitor companies were buying in on their suppliers they didn’t have an advantage or edge to monitor the poor working conditions in these factories. They were disparaged upon by the UN and NGO’s for having their products manufactured in countries where working conditions were poor and there was no monitoring of proper treatment of employees and enforcement of Human Rights. The Korean suppliers, who represented Nike, were accused by labor activist and NGO’s of  being abusive to workers. This by itself was against â€Å"The Nike Code of Conduct.† 2.The Nike Corporation also faced issued with NGO’s and labor activists about paying workers low wages in Indonesia. Their Korean suppliers didn’t not pay workers the minimum wage and tried to cheat the Indonesian government by pleading economic hardship, so that they wouldn’t have to pay the workers a mere $ 1.00 US equivalent pay. When accused of what was occurring, a general manager didn’t think that it was the company’s function to monitor labor violations. However in a major turnaround and I am sure after that manager being reprimanded for that statement and disregard for the company’s ethics, they instructed the Indonesian suppliers to increase the workers pay. 3.They faced problems with Child Labor in Pakistan. In June of 1996, Life Magazine put Nike in the midst of misery, which caused an array of accusations about child labor. They published a photo of a 12 year old boy, stitching a soccer ball. Sialkot a city in Pakistan produces soccer balls for Nike and their competitors. However, due to the uproar by NGO’s, trade unions and consumer groups they prompted to impose sanctions against the purchasing of this product by the company. The company in turn, took a big hit and learned a lesson in globalization, human rights, international labor laws and their corporate responsibility. 4.Their operations in Vietnam posed some environmental, health and safety issues. One of their Korean contractors (again) operating in Vietnam was faced in a dilemma where and NGO help spur an audit by Ernst and Young which found high levels of Toulene, which is very hazardous chemical that causes damage to the CNS, liver, kidney and causes eye and skin irritations. The chemical was released in the plant which posed a threat to the health of workers. Employees were not given proper PPE. This was in direct violation of OSHA standards and also again, â€Å"The Nike Code of Conduct.† 5.Nike’s negative outlook to their stakeholders about their suppliers posed a serious threat to the organization. Even though their suppliers were the ones that were involved in these ethical issues, it still reflected on the company. Consumers are concerned only with a brand and not a supplier behind the brand. Also, Nike was responsible for their suppliers’ actions due to them not monitoring their working standards, payroll, human rights etc. Due to all the negative media, NGO and consumer attention, it caused Nike to loose some contracts with various universities supply them with uniforms, equipment and footwear etc. In response to my friend’s questions about the validity of the claims that are against Nike, I would first have to tell him that I value the integrity of my employer. But since this question asks me what I would say privately, and we are close friends, I would be somewhat try honest to him, and tell him how I felt, only because the information that was stated in these claims were made public due to avid media coverage and the audit conducted by Ernst and Young. Being that the claims are valid I would tell him about my feelings based only on the information available to the public. I would initially ask him to tell me how much he knows and then based on that make an analysis of the situation, and think about ethically what I am privy to say or talk about, being that I am still employed with the organization and the terms of which we uphold or code of conduct. I would address each argument specifically based on the allegations that we are faced with to the best of my knowledge and maintain a clear and concise goal of keeping in mind my reliability to my employer. Being that we are being blamed for infractions carried out by a supplier I would let my friend know that, we were not aware of the situation at hand at the moment but we are looking into it because we support Human Rights, Child Labor laws, Unionization and fair wage system. Our corporate code of conduct, â€Å"The Nike Code of Conduct† is available to anyone who wishes to know about it, so I would tell my friend that this is what our company stands by and since my employment with the company I have known that they are in effect and enforced. Being that we were not able to physically be present in Indonesia, Pakistan and the other countries of which this accused supplier has  committed these Human Rights violations on employees, and stress again that we were unaware of th e situation, how can we be blamed. I will also be sure to reinforce to him the fact that he should know that when the media gets a hint of information that could lead to the allegations of a multi-billion dollar organization how they could make an â€Å"ant look like an elephant.† Also, upon learning of such violations and treatment of these workers, my organization stepped in and not only reprimanded this supplier for trying to cheat the government of Indonesia out of paying minimum wage, but also to the workers. Based on our coalition with NGO’s and our commitment to corporate responsibility I would be sure to inform him that we have created teams such as an action team to monitor environmental, health and safety issues. We also developed teams to monitor the labor rules and working conditions of the workers of our suppliers in these third world countries. Hence, if we fell short on our monitoring tactics, our involvement with labor activists, NGO’s and the UN will make sure that we manage our mistakes that were made due to these allegations. Being that this is my close friend, I have to keep in mind that I am an employee first to this company and while I am employed there. If I say the wrong thing, or he perceives it in the wrong way I could stand to loose my job or possibly be deemed a whistleblower to the organization. Regardless of the fact, Nike was blamed indirectly for these violations but they still took the responsibility to try and correct their mistakes that the organization should have been aware of. I am sure that if my friend is a â€Å"good friend† they would or should understand that I cannot violate my principles. Other than that based on the support of the allegations made to the company I am sure he would be more educated now that I gave him my insight on the claims. The triple bottom strategy that I would suggest that Nike employ would be being more conscientious to environmental, health and safety issues, ethical issues with regards to their stakeholders and share holders (internal and external) and Human Rights. Although their corporate code of conduct addresses this, they need to reinforce their standards to avoid the type of situations that was discussed in this case study. In reference to IKEA approach to their ethical practice, had Nike been more  observant about the issues with the supplier after the first incident occurred the others could have probably been avoided. When IKEA learned of what was occurring with the supplier towards the working conditions, environmental issues and the Human Rights Violations regarding Child labor, they stepped in to rectify the situation immediately. Nike only did so after labor activists, NGO’s and trade unions etc got involved. From my analysis of things, they should have been more proactive rather than reactive. Starbucks approach to things was somewhat similar to IKEA, but Starbucks stressed their commitment to social responsibility by way of thinking about their stakeholders. Nike on the other hand, seemed to be more dedicated to their shareholders the production of merchandise. They did accomplish being a multi-billion dollar company in a short space of time, but at what expense? It came with huge repercussions of Human Rights violations in the form of child labor and underpaid workers. They didn’t address these issues in the right manner, something that Starbucks did and overcame the allegations against them. Nike needs to delegate these issues in their organization accordingly to enforce labor laws and environmental laws to their suppliers. In this case study, the supplier was based in Korea, but had operations in Indonesia, Pakistan and other third world countries. They went into these countries, tried to manipulate the government by way of cheating them into allowing workers to get below minimum wage. Also, standards in the workplace were not enforced in the proper manner. The organization needs to supply workers with the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which is mandated by Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). The company also needs to maintain a proper relationship with the different NGO’s, labor commissions, trade unions and consumer activists in these countries. This can aid them in the monitoring processes of these suppliers to ensure that issues are being handled in the right way. It can also help save costs that the company pays to monitors, for example contractors. Nike can implement the money they save into a program that handles the ethical issues of workers, because I am sure they don’t have a human resources  department and an ethics commission to contact with their matters of concern. I am sure that this could increase their productivity employee. Hopefully the company learns from their past mistakes that they should not only be concerned with their shareholders but about the stakeholders as well. I believe that external and internal customers make up a business or organization and each has a vital role to play in it success or downfall. In this case, lack of attention to the working conditions and wages of the workers (shareholders could probably led to the ultimate downfall of the company. Nike has many competitors that can slowly overtake them in the consumer market. Human rights play a major role in consumer decisions in the 21st century. Evidence of this was found in the study whereby when the consumer activists learned about what was going on they boycotted purchasing the soccer balls due to child labor. References Locke M. Richard et al. (2002). The Promise and Perils of Globalization: The Case of Nike. Retrieved from Bartlett A. Christopher et al. (2006). IKEA’s Global Sourcing Challenge: Indian Rugs and Child Labor (A). Retrieved from MGT 213 Ethics and the Market Place – Northeastern University (Course Material) Argenti A. Paul. (2004). Collaborating with Activists: HOW STARBUCKS WORKS WITH NGOs. Retrieved from MGT 213 Ethics and the Market Place – Northeastern University (Course Material)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Perception in thought processes Essay

This paper seeks to explore the role played by perception in thought processes in an individual’s life. It also focuses on intelligence and the relationship between intelligence and cognition. Perception which is the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information influence thinking styles, thinking skills as well as the types of thoughts in an individual’s mind. The world of an individual begins by what is visible, imagined or told in a story about various issues and things in his or her immediate surrounding. When these things are assimilated by an individual, a response is ignited in the mind in the form of thought processes. (Bohm, D. 1994, p. 130). I perceive the current modern world as a place of creativity and competition and an arena where everybody is always pushing his or her way even if it is to the disadvantage of others. For instance, the industrialized nations continue to release greenhouse gases despite the world wide outcry on global warming. Due to these, I am always thinking of discovering something new that can push me a head of the rest in both competition and creativity. Most importantly, what is always in my mind is how to accumulate enough money in this capitalistic world where everyone is keeps to themselves. The egocentricity I encounter in my interaction with people has made me to think of ways on how to keep whatever I have to myself and a way from the selfish world. The characteristics of what I perceive as well as personal characteristics like my attitude, personality, motives, interests, past experiences and expectations affect the thought processes. Several definitions for intelligence have been developed by various researchers and scientists but there seems to be no consensus on the universally acceptable definition. According to Sternberg, J. R, Jean E. P. (2005), the definitions revolve around specific abilities which are pooled together to form general abilities as the parameters around which intelligence can be defined. Consequently intelligence can be defined as the ability to learn about, learn from, understand, and interact with one’s environment. These specific abilities are the reason for cognition which is the process of recognizing, interpreting, making judgments as well as reasoning; these involves perceptions, learning, memory, and decision making. The capacity for knowledge and ability to acquire it is a specific component of intelligence that can lead a person into judging a situation or an object. The capacity to reason and higher thinking coupled with ability to carry out an evaluation gives judgment as a product of intelligence. The ability to adapt to a new environment or to changes in the current environment dictates how an animal or human being will act on the information from its environment. Interpretation which is encompassed in cognition is as a result of the ability to comprehend the issue at hand and contrast and compare relationships that we face. Cognition can therefore be said to result from original and productive thought. Conclusion. What an individual perceives define the thought processes he or she is undergoing. Perception of the surrounding environment is what triggers the development of thinking skills and styles needed in response. Cognition is a consequence of specific abilities which are found in intelligence and they mostly occur together.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Personal Theory Paper Essay

Throughout my experience my current course, Theories and Practices: Human Services in Criminal Justice, I have learned plenty of information about the various theories of psychotherapy in counseling. Some of these theories operate on the basis of recognizing errors in thinking and correcting those errors. Other theories operate on the basis of multiculturalism and the fact that all clients are unique and deserve to be treated as such. As a result of learning from my readings and of my discussions with class mates, I was able to create my own intervention theory for counseling. Explanation of Theory and why I believe in it Any student in a human service course should be able to develop his or her own intervention theory by the time the course ends. My personal theory will involve both cognitive and multicultural approaches to therapy. Cognitive approaches to therapy operate on the assumption that by correcting the clients’ faulty beliefs, they can learn to behave more appropriately, how to think differently, and how to act on these learnings (Jones-Smith, 2012). On the other hand, Multicultural approaches to therapy suggest that counseling theories represent various views of the world with their own values, biases, and assumptions about human behavior, and that all clients are unique in some way and that their individual differences must be both accepted and respected (Jones-Smith, 2012). I believe in combining these approaches to therapy for my theory for a few reasons. First, I have always thought that offenders within the criminal justice system need to recognize their errors in thinking before they will be able to change their behaviors to be in accordance with the law. Plus, as a future employee of the criminal justice system who will most likely be working in human services, I need to be able to work with clients from various cultural backgrounds and  to accept and recognized their differences. Combining these two theories is the best way for me to be able to help all of my future potential clients in the best way possible. Theories and Theorists I Relate the Most to and why After reading all of the material for this course, I found that I relate to a few of the theories and theorist better than I do others. For instance, I found that I can relate to Albert Ellis and his Rational Emotive Behavior Theory or REBT. One of the reasons that I can relate to this theory and theorist is because it is a cognitive approach to therapy, which I think is very important for offenders to take part in for the best chances of living a crime-free life. Plus, REBT is based on the belief that people are born with a potential for irrational or rational thinking (Jones-Smith, 2012). In addition, REBT maintains that people are born constructivists and have a great deal of resources for human growth (Jones-Smith, 2012). I have always made these assumptions about people, which is also why I can relate to this theory. I can also relate to Ho’s theory of internalized culture, which suggests that the formations of our worldviews are influenced by eternalized culture (Jones-Smith, 2012). In addition, the theory suggests that effective multicultural counseling is based on the counselor’s ability to go beyond the boundaries and limitations of his or her personal culture (Jones-Smith, 2012). I can relate to this because I think that it is necessary to be able to look past my personal beliefs and experiences to be able to help a wide range of clients. Relating to these theories and theorists has helped me to develop my own personal intervention theory that I will be able to use in my future career. What Surprised me most about the Theories and why Some of the theories and concepts from this course took me by surprise. For instance, it took me by surprise that there are theories and theorists created specifically for feminist and the LGBT communities. Although I realize that all types of people have issues that they need to address in therapy, I never thought that specific therapeutic techniques were developed for feminist and LGBT communities. However, it does make sense that the LGBT community would have certain issues that other people may not have to face. In addition, I was a bit surprised at the variety of theories and  approaches that are used for Asians, Muslims, and Arabs. What surprised me about these theories is that they were very different from many of the theories generally used by our culture. In addition, I did not fully understand how the differences in these cultures played such a large role in how to approach these populations with therapy. However, I did find them interesting, and considered many of the concepts for use in my personal intervention theory. Even though these theories took me by surprise, I recognize their importance in psychotherapy approaches to counseling. Conclusion All of the theories of psychotherapy discussed in this course are effective for specific people with specific needs. Despite the fact that some of the theories were surprising, they all have merit and can be effective with the right client. Even though I recognize the importance of all of the theories and theorists, I was able to relate to some more than others. After relating to certain theories and theorists, I was able to develop my own personal intervention theory based on cognitive and multicultural approaches to therapy. My personal intervention theory, along with the rest of the theories and concepts discussed in this course will guide me along my journey of employment as a juvenile probation officer in the future. References Jones-Smith, E. (2012). Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy: An Integrative Approach. Sage Publications.