Friday, May 15, 2020

The First Hunt - 1449 Words

The First Hunt Imagine having the feeling of complete serenity as you lay still waiting; listening to every broken stick, crushed leaf, and bird chirp. Waiting for the footsteps of a deer or the image of one in the distance to fill your veins with adrenaline which gives you that feeling you dream about. All this leading up to one pull of a trigger, sending a message to your brain that tells you you’ll be a hunter for the rest of your life. This image was a very important part of my life. My brother started hunting when he was around 12 or 13 years old with my dad and I was too young to hunt. It all started with only being able to go out with them and watch them shoot deer, rabbits, turkey, and birds. I was always anxious to be able to†¦show more content†¦This can take hours or even several attempts to see a deer, but for some reason it was my lucky day. We didn’t even have to wait for 20 minutes before we saw two bucks and a doe. My adrenaline has never shot u p so fast in my entire life; it was like electricity flowing through me enhancing all my senses. I don’t remember blinking once because my eyes were open so wide taking in all this new excitement. I raised my gun slowly resting it on a shooting board that was in front of me, and looked down the scope to see the bucks a little closer. There was one off to my left about 150 yards away that was only a three pointer. As for the other one, it was a monster buck. I remember counting over 10 points on its rack and it was about 125 yards directly in front of me. I was shaking more than I ever had and I knew it was buck fever. The monster buck was walking across the far tree line headed to my right. It had stolen the doe from the little buck and was taking it to the thick woods out of sight. I was following it with my crosshairs as it walked so gingerly not having a clue on how it was being watched from afar. I had just started putting pressure on the trigger getting ready to take the shot when my scope went black. I looked up and I had let the buck get beyond my vision from the tree that was rooted in front of me. That’s when I knew it was too late and I was disappointed but only for a moment because I knew the small buck was still grazing in the field off to myShow MoreRelatedSymbolism And Meaning Of The Hunting Scenes1553 Words   |  7 Pageswonder why the author might include the hunting scenes at all. According to critic, Donald Howard, â€Å"all the hunted animals convey connotations of evil, and this is doubtless the reason why the author of the poem seems so involved in the outcome of the hunts and never tires of triumphantly describing the final slaying of the pursued animals (85). This is an interesting idea and could be a due to his religious beliefs. In the poem, the animals are not described as evil. 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Only Hunt Club Members Vehicles will be allowed on the premises. Guest must sign a waiver to release Land Owner and Hunt club of all legal liability in the event of injury or death. See law 14. 11. We will have 4 guests hunts per year one during each season, bow, muzzleloader, and general firearms. In addition we will have a group dove hunt before the Deer season. Guests

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